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Milford Haven

Milford Haven developed as a whaling town in the late 17th century and due to its position sitting on the shores of the largest estuary in Wales and one of the deepest natural harbours in the world, it’s history is firmly connected to the sea.

Milford Haven’s history can be dated back to the Vikings in 854 when chieftain Hubba wintered his fleet of 23 ships in the Haven. Since then Milford has been used in many a campaigns; Richard ll used Milford haven to launch his attacks on Ireland in 1399 so too did Cromwell and his army in 1649.

Milford Haven was built as a grid system and includes some fine Georgian houses, particularly along Hamilton Terrace.

In the 18th century, the Nantucket Quaker Whalers made it their home port for the great whaling fleets of the age and in the early part of the 20th century it was the base for a very large fishing industry. These days, Milford Haven is better known for the oil and gas refineries on either side of the town.

Milford Haven